Saturday 25 October 2008

febrile seizures


memang elok pun kita share sama2 macam anak2 echzema ke, sakit apa2 least kita sbg parents or parents to be bule prepare mentally. Menurut Dr. Iqbal hari tu, febrile convulsion ni selalunya mmg common untuk budak2 asean yg duduk kat negara sejuk ni. Tapi mmg betul gie kata, jangan basuh anak degan air sejuk masa kena..buka je bajunya biar dia cool of. Maybe kawan2 semua boleh baca kat internet and search for it..tapi sebab saya masih trauma tak habis(sebab face sorang2 dalam keadaan yg menakutkan). .jadi saya rasa baik kita share sama2 spy kawan2 tak hadapi kekejutan jika berlaku perkara sebegini.(nanti semua kata kak yaz ni tak habis2 citer pasal fit..hehehhe)

Can febrile seizures be prevented?

It may seem logical that if you keep a child's temperature down during a feverish illness it may prevent a febrile seizure. However, there is little scientific evidence to prove that this is so. (It is unclear what triggers the seizure. It is possibly some body chemical that is released during certain feverish illnesses rather than the temperature itself. Most children with a high temperature do not have a seizure.) However, it is common practice to keep a child cool when they have a feverish illness. This will make them feel more comfortable. Therefore, if a child appears hot, then the following will help to reduce the temperature:

  • Keep the child very lightly dressed, or take all their clothes off if the room is warm.
  • Give paracetamol, (for example, Calpol, Disprol, etc), or ibuprofen.
  • Give lots of cool drinks.

What first aid should I do for a febrile seizure?

Note the time it started.

  • Lie the child on their side with their head in line with the body or slightly lower (the recovery position).
  • Do not put anything into their mouth or shake the child.
  • When the seizure stops, try to lower the child's temperature to make them more comfortable. To do this take off their clothes (if the room is warm). Then, when they have recovered enough to swallow, give a drink and some paracetamol or ibuprofen.

What should happen after immediate first aid?

The child should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible after a seizure for a check over to rule out serious illness. However, call a doctor or ambulance urgently if:

  • The child does not improve quickly once a short seizure is over.
  • A seizure lasts more than five minutes (this includes small twitching movements even if large jerking movements have stopped).
  • Another seizure starts soon after the first one stops.
  • The child has difficulty breathing.
  • The child was not fully conscious before the seizure or one hour afterwards.
  • You suspect a serious illness is the cause of the fever, for example, if you suspect meningitis. See leaflet called 'Fever (High Temperature) in Children' for details of symptoms to look out for.

No treatment is usually needed for the seizure itself if it stops within a few minutes. (However, treatment may be needed for the infection causing the fever.)

Sometimes the seizure lasts longer and a doctor may give a medicine to stop it. For example, a doctor may put a medicine called diazepam into the rectum (back passage) or a medicine called midazolam into the side of mouth. These drugs are absorbed quickly, directly into the bloodstream froman within the rectum or mouth, and stop a seizure. Sometimes the parents of children who are prone to recurrent febrile seizures are taught how to use one of these medicines. They are then given a supply to have in case a further febrile seizure occurs.

Lagi satu jika anak2 ni temperature tinggi, jangan biarkan mereka sorang2 kat ruang tamu dan kita sibuk memasak kat dapur ke...sebab takut tiba2 dia fit dan sorang2 masa tu..sentiasa berada di samping anak2 masa high temperature. Walau dia menggigil mcmana pun buka je bajunya..sebab masa alif demam tu..badannya tak panas instead dia kita ingatkan dia kesejukkan tapi rupanya dia panas kat dalam..masa kat hospital pun lepas dah bagi dos pertama, dia tiba2 menggigil lagi..dr kata biar je budak ni berbogel jangan pakaikan apa2....lepas bagi dos kedua bau dia nampak normal, jari jemari dah merah balik instead of biru masa tgh menggigil... Dan rupa2nya dr kata boleh selang seli bagi paracetamol dan ibuprofen selang beberapa jam jika temperature tgh high. Ingatkan bagi salah satu je..rupa2nya dua2 boleh bagi..tapi jgn serentak cuma selang berapa jam. Itulah hikmahnya... .at least byk perkara yg kita tak tahu, sikit2 kita dah tahu..

Kita doakan yang terbaik untuk anak2 ye..Moga Allah lindungi mereka..ameen.

Salam sayang,

kak yaz(pun dah start sakit tekak selesema ni)

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